Wednesday, 31 January 2007
To the edge of the contextual Earth.
This is the first of a long series of posts related to the culture and folk law of the Dalehan people. Being the first article I thought I would start with the begining;
The Creation of Daleha.
(As told by the Girhan Tribe)
At first there were five gods; Nagha(God of Water), Golha(God of Earth), Farha(God of Wind), Dinha(God of Fire), Narha(God of Soul). They exist in the vast expanse outside of the universe. There they spent their time conjuring worlds and fabricating the existence of hundreds of realities, they are the creators.
At first Golha, with his powerful might, forged the earth. He raised the mountains and bore the sea. Thus creating the land that houses the civilisations of the world.
Second was Nagha who, with her flowing grace, poured the water unto the sea and etched the rivers and creeks into the land.
Then Dinha, smouldering with endless passion, bestowed light to dark and heat into the cold.
Next was Farha who, with great wisdom, created the skies and passed law unto the lands giving the world meaning.
Finaly there was Narha who, with infinite compassion, breathed life into the world and so sprung forth the races of the world and started the great circle of life.
The gods looked down into the world they have worked hard to create, they passed judgement unto it and were pleased with their creation. They sealed the new land of Daleha in the World Egg and placed it high on a pedestal. There the world sits, Protected by the shell and perched in the vast beyond. Waiting for its fruition, for the day that all life on Daleha is ready to become one, and join the gods in eternal creation.
The story was interesting indeed. I will be looking more into the reasoning behind the legend. Even though it is no doubt a tall tale, most legends or myths actually originate from something much less dubious. Most likely something, or many things, were misinterpreted and the outcome was this theory of creation.
When I voiced my doubts to Nair the elder he approached me with the offer of taking me to the edge of the land. There he claims I will realise the truth. Whilst my suspicions are still in disbelief, I will take his offer as I think it will be a most rewarding expedition.
There is much more for me to tell you, however, for now I must retire and get my rest. For tomorrow I have much research and knowledge to acquire before my return. Thankyou for your time, and I think you will be most pleased with the stories that I have to pass on to you.
Dr Alstead Fabulavir