Sunday, 4 March 2007

Whom the gods love die young.

Ok, on with the show. This is the further tale of the guardians, more specifically the tale of the first soul guardian, Namkular guardian of life. The story starts to get a little more interesting from here on in, so without further delay I will tell you the story of Necrocon the 6th guardian.

Life, Death and Undeath.
(A tale of the 6th)

1,000 years into the life of the World Egg, the guardian of the soul, Namkular, produced an egg. This egg grew into the world atop the highest mountain in Daleha, Mt Kami. It sat atop Mt Kami incubating for 300 years. During which time the elemental guardians became insanely jealous, as the ability of creating an egg was only possessed by Namkular.
So great and fierce was the gealousy of the elemental guardians that at the dawn of the day the egg was to hatch they shatterd the egg, killing the newborn guardian. The elementals then returned to their domains leaving Namkular to morn her unborn child.

The elementals had underestimated the power Namkular wielded over life and death. Namkular held the shattered egg to the night sky and uttered a sacred passage, the broken shell and bone fused with the torn flesh and absorbed the spilled blood. Namkular, twisted and overcome with woe, gave half of her life to the dead child. Namkular gave away her control over the domain of death and decay to her child, leaving her with control only over life and creation. This simple act of betrayal and love, destroyed the guardian of the soul, and in her place created Namkular the guardian of Life and Necrocon the guardian of Death.

"For bones are like seeds: everything that dies goes into the earth, and from the earth new life is born in the sacred cycle of existence." - A passage from the book on Necrocon, oddly enough also a passage spoken by Quetzalcoatl, a feathered serpent in Aztec mythology.

From the new construction, forged from the shattered remains of Necrocon's egg and former body, came Necrocons Avatar into the world. The avatar is, Nex, death personified. An unusually tall undead humanoid, bones exposed, with a draconian skull and large bone like dark feathered wings.

Both Namkular and Necrocon respected the cycle of life and death. They new that destruction and creation went hand in hand. To this end they joined forces, forging a guardian sect that opposed the stale stagnancy of the elemental guardians. This was the Sect of the Soul. Their goal, to bring forth a new element in the world. They would teach and protect the greatest accomplishment Namkular had achieved in her 300 years alone, the Dalehan's (humans).

Namkular and Necrocon conversed with temple priests. In doing so they advanced the civilisation of Daleha's inhabitants very rapidly. Within another 500 years, a total of 800 years since the creation of the World Egg, the Dalehan's had a fruitful civilisation. They were enjoying the golden age of Daleha.

That is the story of the 6th. My next posting will be about the end of the golden age and the creation of the 7th 8th and 9th guardians. Please excuse me now. I have much to do.

Dr Alstead Fabulavir