Monday, 12 February 2007
The Tale of Five Gods.
Along with the World Egg, and everything therein, the five gods created five guardians in their image, to protect Daleha and observe its journey through the ages. These guardians are known as The Tredecim Tutela Sidus et Penitus Universitas, very loosly translated to The Thirteen Guardians of the Stars and Inner Universe.
The guardians are grouped into three Archetypes; guardians of the elements, guardians of the soul, and guardians of the universe. Dispite their domain, all guardians are of equal and rivaling power. Another interesting aspect of the guardians is that they were not all created in the same time. Nor were they all created by the gods, at least not directly.
Of Elements and Life.
(A story of the five)
Nagha created Livyatan (Lev-i-a-than), the guardian of the rim. Livyatan resides in the sea and Livyatan's avatar patrols the rim of Daleha, the rim being the edge of the world. It is said that any ships approaching the edge are soon warded off by the guardians avatar,the Krakken, described as a flash of tentacles and teeth. Some believe that Livyatan is warning sailors of sailing off of the edge of the world. Others believe it to be of more malicious intent, this is due to numerous missing ships in Livyatan's waters. But despite whoever you talk to the common ground is that Livyatan prevents ships from ever reaching the rim.
Golha created Kamenjem, the guardian of the land. Residing in the caverns and mountains of daleha, Kamenjem prevents anything from entering Daleha from innerworld. Kamenjem's avatar, the Golumns, are varied. The main Golumns are birthed from stone, clay and mud. They are organised like a military, with their base material defining their rank, example: a mud Golumn answers to clay who intern answers to stone who answers to the more rare gem Golumns, such as Jade Golumns or Quartz Golumns. This military force is assumed accountable for the missing adventurers that venture too close to the few locations where land, not sea, meets the rim.
Farha created Sylph, the guardian of the fog. Residing in the dense fog that lines the outer edges of Daleha, Sylph acts as a deterrent to those who manage past the krakken. Some say that the fog itself is alive. Ships do not get destroyed here, people and animals simply vanish into the fog. There are no screams of pain or surprise, just the silence of the void and the deep, moaning calls sounding out from the fog. Those that do not go insane with the sound are haunted by it for the remainder of their days, and that they will hear it moments before their death, and it will fill them with terror.
Dinha created Teine (Teen), the guardian of the inner world. Teine resides in the center of Daleha, his domain spreading throughout the inner world. Though created equal to the other guardians, Teine is now the head of the elemental guardians. With his arrogance and elitist ideals he forced his self into the position, accepting no compromise. It has been passed through lore that Teine's avatar is that of the Salamander, a gargantuan lizard that rises from flame and ember.
Narha created Namkular (Nam-ku-larh), the guardian of life and death. Namkular lies in the aether, a quasi-ethereal plain twisted throughout Daleha. When Namkular touches the physical plain an avatar called an Inapertwa is created. The Inapertwa soon become new life forms in the physical plain, they take form in the shape of life around them. These new life forms are usually magical, but cannot stray far from their place of creation. For example, an Inapertwa that comes into being in a forest may become a wood nymph.
There you have the basics of the original five guardians. As time goes on I will elaborate more on these guardians, but first I will tell you the tale of the new arrivals as time goes by. The tale goes deep and the treachery is twisted, those who like a good tale will certainly look forward to what is to come. I will be posting soon. Till then, stay well.
Dr Alstead Fabulavir